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Sustainable Fuels

Sustainable fuels are an essential part of the energy mix for the energy transition. Currently, such fuels are the most practical option with which to decarbonise a number of industrial sectors, particularly those associated with transportation, which includes marine operations and aviation.

These fuels can be produced from various sources and using a multitude of different processes leading to different cost profiles and environmental impacts. When produced from organic sources they are known as "biofuels" and when made from sustainable hydrogen and carbon dioxide they are known as "E-fuels'. 

Exergic are developing a project focused upon the production of biofuels but are also considering adding an E-fuel capability. Doing so will further reduce our carbon impact and allow us to fully-utilise all the carbon we will capture from our biomass feedstock.

The International Renewable Energy Association has recently classified biofuels using the system  shown below, depending on the feedstocks they are made from.   In order to meet the significant growth in demand for these sustainable fuels from all sectors, second generation fuels are now required. 

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