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About us


We are a team of energy industry leaders with track record of managing major businesses, developing innovative technologies, managing large projects, and founding energy companies.

United by our passion to promote & deploy zero-carbon technologies for the energy transition, our focus is the creation of a scalable business that will generate excellent returns without reliance on green subsidies.


Having worked together in a not for profit company, we came back together in 2022 to create a commercial enterprise that would utilise our skills within developing sectors of the energy transition.  We focussed upon  biofuel and synthetic fuels as a sector with rapidly developing  market need.  


Sustainable, low-zero carbon and high energy-density liquid fuels, are the most practical option with which to decarbonise transport sectors such as aviation. The fuels are already in great demand  but supplies are limited and their use is being further mandated by many governments around the world including here in the UK. 


So called "Second Generation" biofuels produced using waste biomass feedstocks are now required as "First Generation" sources from animal fat, sugars, or plant oils are unable to meet growth in demand and compete with land resources for food production.


Our fuels have the potential to be amongst the most sustainable forms of renewable energy with the lowest round-trip carbon impact of any source. Such fuels also require sophisticated manufacturing  facilities and for true sustainability a highly efficient network with which to gather and transport the waste biomass feedstocks.


Exergic has the experience and capability for a project like this, and we have already partnered with two of Scotland's largest recycling companies to gather the waste materials for our future feedstock.


Our project will utilise all of our skills and passion as well as many of the country's natural advantages and when complete, will provide indigenously-produced low to zero-carbon fuels for the UK's energy transition.

Meet the team

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